Our beloved Fr. Jerry passed away April 6 at St. Elizabeth Manor in Bristol, RI. A Memorial Mass will take place here at St. Joseph on Friday, April 30, at noon. All are encouraged to attend. Please note that this will replace our normal Friday Mass.
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal has remained faithful in providing vital assistance to 87 dioceses across the United States, including our own, and its territories and several former territories in the Pacific. If you would like to contribute, clearly mark your donation and put it in one of the collection baskets which are located at each Church entrance.
Take Action Today As Catholics, human dignity is central to what we believe including freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Click here for the Wisconsin's Bishops' Statement on the Equality Act and a letter to Congress on the Equality Act.
The Diocese of Superior Charismatic Renewal Service Committee presents Pentecost Mass with Bishop James Powers and Fr. Dean Buttrick. Join others with Bishop Powers in celebrating the 3:00 pm Pentecost Mass on Sunday, May 23, in Cameron, Wisconsin. Confessions begin at 1:45 pm followed by praise and worship and Mass, ending with a box lunch. An RSVP is requested for the dinner by May 14. E-mail your reservation to Anna Marie Olsen, [email protected] or call 715-392-1673.
The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Men’s Retreat in honor of St Joseph, our Patron, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon April 24. Men young and old of St. Joseph’s and St. Ann’s Parish are welcome. For planning purposes, please call Bob at 715-209-1488 and leave a message if you plan to attend.
The Lord is risen, alleluia! We prayed and fasted throughout Lent. Now join Catholics across the United States in giving alms to share the joy and hope of Easter with communities around the world. Thank you for your donations, please bring in your bowls/ donations as soon as possible.