Interested in Becoming Catholic?
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, please connect with Kevin Sullivan in the parish office! A Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is forming and will launch with the new school year. Weekly sessions will help prepare those in need to celebrate (any of) the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Our group will help all grow as disciples through prayer, study, and community. Most on this journey will work towards celebrating Sacraments at the Easter Vigil in April 2023, but depending on your experience, a different timeline may be appropriate. Kevin and his team are looking forward to journeying with you.
Learn How to Embrace the Gift of the Eucharist
Check out the free course by Bishop Cozzens from the Diocese of Crookston in Minnesota. Bishop Andrew Cozzens presents the incredible reality of the Real Presence, unpacks “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church” as published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and invites you to respond to this radical gift. Discover practical ways you can spread a love for the Eucharist in our community! Go to to signup today.
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Sale
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Tootsie Rolls after all the Masses this weekend—proceeds will go to local food shelves and scholarships.
Come For A Mexican Themed Dinner—July 24 To continue with the 4th session of Bishop Robert Barron’s series on “The Mass,” Vikki and Tony Erba invite you to join them with a Mexican-themed potluck. This session starts at 6pm. All are welcome. Check out the St. Ann section of the bulletin for more details.
Northwoods New Life Resource Center Opportunity-July 25-29
Pregnant! Want a FREE ultrasound? Northwoods New Life Resource Center is looking for women 6-20 weeks pregnant to volunteer for a FREE Obstetrical Ultrasound to help train their staff. See the bulletin board or call them at 715-634-2681 for more info.
Retrouvaille \Retro- vī\Marriage Help Weekend-August 6-7
Whether you have simply drifted apart, or have arrived at separation or divorce, Retrouvaille offers hope. Begin this amazing 3- phase program with a weekend away—August 6-7, 2022 (Minneapolis area). Fully confidential, affordable, and open to couples of all faiths or no faith background. For details or to register, call toll free, 1- 877-922-HOPE (4673) or see Space is limited. Early registration advised.
Spiritual Bouquet
Please join us in blessing all of the priests who serve our newly formed cluster with a Spiritual Bouquet. Details can be found on the flyers located at each entrance of the church.
Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament—August 13
Urgent Announcement for Golfers We need you to sign up now for our Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament! Lakeview Golf and Pizza needs to know our numbers or the tournament will be cancelled. Please help us out and sign up as soon as possible. Tickets will be sold at the golf course, St. Joseph’s office or by contacting Al Stawicki at 715-794- 2397. Thank you for supporting our Hayward area charities.
Knights of Columbus Scholarships-Due September 2
The Casimir Tyminski Scholarships are being offered by the Knights of Columbus for students from St. Joseph and St. Ann parishes who have completed one year or more of post secondary education. Scholarship applications are available at the parish offices as well as on St. Joseph’s website, kc6587 Application forms must be returned by Sept 2, 2022.
Additional Upcoming Events to Remember
July 25—Last day to register for School of Servant Leadership
July 30—Music Virtual Workshop
Aug 5-7—Retrouvaille, Twin Cities
Aug 13—KC’s Golf Outing, Lakeview Golf & Pizza
Aug 13—Meet 6 Social
Aug 19-20—Vatican Unveiled, DECC in Duluth, MN
Aug 17—St. Andrew Dinner, Holy Rosary, Medford
Sep 18—New Life Resource Center “Walk for Life” Fundraiser