Formation of our youth is another area in which CSA funding directly supports us. This includes Religious Ed, sacramental preparation and youth Ministry including leadership development, curriculum guidance, youth rallies, Extreme Faith Camp, Totus Tuus, catechetical certification and retreats. Their vision is to assist parishes in evangelizing and making Disciples of Christ within our parish while being in communion with the greater Church in Northern Wisconsin.
Your support to the CSA is greatly needed and appreciated, no gift is too small. If you have not yet made a pledge, please consider doing so today. We would love to have 100% participation. Envelopes are available on the tables at each entrance and can be mailed or dropped in the donation baskets. Online giving is simple and available on our website at Simply click on the Give page and choose St. Joseph 2021-22 CSA or St. Ann 2021-22 CSA.
Thank you to everyone for you support!
Goal for St. Joseph …………..$58,731
Amount Pledged to Date…..$20,172