The new CSA year kicks off this weekend. To learn about the people, programs, services and ministries supported by the CSA, please be sure to check out the information on the home page of the Diocesan website, Goal for St. Joseph: $58,731 Goal for St. Ann: $12,453 If you received a pledge envelope in the mail please place it in one of the collection baskets located at the Church entrances, bring it into the Church office or mail it to us at PO Box 877. Envelopes are also located in the pews and on the shelves at the Church entrances. Please make sure to include your name, address, total amount pledged, parish and your preferred way to give. If you prefer online donating, choose the CSA option on the “Give” page of our website at You may choose St. Joseph CSA or St. Ann CSA and choose one-time or recurring donations. Please do not hesitate to call the office if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and generosity.