Retrouvaille (pronounced ‘retro- vī’, with long i) means “rediscovery”. Retrouvaille is a weekend experience designed to help a couple re-establish communication and to gain insight into themselves as individuals and as a couple. The Central Wisconsin Retrouvaille Weekend is scheduled for February 18-20, in Wausau, WI. For more information or to register, call toll free 1- 877-922- HOPE (4673).
Synod on Synodality
St. Ann and St. Joseph parishioners are invited to our cluster Synod as a part of the upcoming Worldwide Church Synod to get a feel and pulse for the experience of what it means to be church. No need to RSVP, but please join us at the St. Joseph Parish Hall on Saturday, February 19 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. Contact Kevin Sullivan in the parish office with questions.
Pre-Marriage Retreat Day—April 2
“Living a Joy Filled Marriage” Holy Rosary Parish in Medford, Wisconsin is sponsoring this retreat on Saturday, April 2, from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. Cost is $85 per couple, which includes lunch and materials needed for the day. Registrations are due by March 19. Contact Amy Hughley at 715-748-3336 with registrations and for questions. More details are on the bulletin board.
Food Shelf
Please remember those less fortunate in our community by donating to the food shelf. You may drop off your donations in the bin provided which is located in the back of church. All canned and non-perishable food items are accepted.