As Trustees we wanted to make comment… In light of the quick departure of Father Gerard, we may never have any answers to how or why things happened the way they did. It was hard for all of us. We must trust in the Holy Spirit and move forward. What we do need to be is thankful to have had the opportunity to have had Father Gerard as our Priest. We should look to the lessons we have heard: “to forgive and too love” even in difficult times. Please pray for his well-being. As you heard this past week-end, Father David Neuschwander has been named by the Bishop to shepherd St. Joseph and St. Ann. We hope that you will graciously accept his presence. Each Priest has their special gifts. With Father David we will be able to continue to fulfill our duties as Christians, to build a community in communion and continue on our personal roads. “WELCOME” Fr. David! During this Easter Season let us all be as Jesus calls us to be “light to each other”, as we walk through this journey together. God Bless.