This is the annual Catholic Services Appeal Commitment Weekend in our Cluster. Our Parish Cluster goal this year is that every family and individual will participate to the very best of their ability, in recognition and in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings. All registered parishioners should have received a special letter from Bishop Powers seeking their personal commitment and a pledge of support. If you are among those in our parish family who have already responded in the spirit of stewardship and discipleship or will do so today, fervent thanks and blessings are yours. If you are still contemplating your Appeal gift, please give from your heart on behalf of those whose lives will be changed for the better because you cared.
We have goals set for each parish by the Diocese of Superior:
St. Ann: $12,690
St. Francis Solanus: $ 1,734
St. Ignatius: $ 1,059
St. Joseph: $54,517
St. Philip: $ 6,925
Cluster GOAL: $76,925
Every pledge and gift is vitally important and will bring us closer to reaching our goal. God will indeed bless and reward your generosity and concern for others, of that you can be assured.