2022-23 Catholic Services Appeal Did you know CSA Funding for Respect Life Ministry strives tobuild a culture of life by upholding and promoting the dignity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death? The Diocese works to implement the guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, in which we are called upon as church with our resources, our people, our services and institutions to pursue the course of life with renewed energy and commitment.
Goal for St. Joseph: $55,964
Goal for St. Ann: $12,464
By now you should have received a pledge envelope in the mail; please place it in the collection basket, bring it into the Church office or mail it to us at PO Box 877. Envelopes are also on the shelves at the Church entrances. Please make sure to include your name, address, total amount pledged, parish and your preferred way to give. If you prefer online donating, choose the CSA option on the “Give” page of our website at www.haywardcatholic.org. Thank you for your support and generosity.
Food Shelf Please remember those less fortunate by donating to the food shelf. You may drop off your donations in the bin provided which is located in the back of church. All canned and nonperishable food items are accepted.
Knights of Columbus Scholarships-Due September 2 The Casimir Tyminski Scholarship applications for students from St. Joseph and St. Ann parishes who have completed one year or more of post secondary education are due September 2. Find it on our website at haywardcatholic.org/kc6587.