The Diocese of Superior's Office of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship hosted its first Theology of the Body Immersion Day in late February, 2024. This upcoming year, we will be hosting a Theology of the Body Retreat Day! This year's focus will be connecting Theology of the Body and the Eucharist. Cost is $50 / person. The day will begin at 9:00am wrapping up by 5:00pm and will include:
Are you ready to make a commitment to grow in daily habits of discipleship so that you can take intentional steps in discerning and living you God-given mission? Grab the Christmas Edition of Emmaus 90 try this out for 3.5 weeks before the Jan. 20 launch of the full 90 days to Easter.
With Advent coming soon- we sent out a letter that is a resource for you to grow closer to your family, friends and ultimately to Jesus!!!
Please read the letter, Mass schedule and the calendars to prepare for our upcoming season of Hope Peace Joy and Love!
New for this year-- Encounter Nights-- Connect. Pray. Encounter.
Join us for a time to truly encounter Jesus in an encouraging space of worship, praise, adoration and prayer.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we gather in communion this World Mission Sunday, October 19 &20th, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation from Pope Francis, inspired by the Gospel: "Go and invite everyone to the banquet (cf. Mt 22:9)." This call to mission resonates deeply with our faith's core, urging us to share God's love with the world......
Thursday, October 10 as we head to La Crosse for an all day pilgrimage! Prepare for Spiritual Renewal as you bring prayers of petition or thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe -- the patroness of the Americas. Our entire life of faith can be ordered to Jesus, through Mary as St. Jose Maria Escriva taught. Fr. Karun will celebrate our group's private Mass at the shrine after our tour.
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 6:00 PM
Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi service & Social: Learn more about Secular Franscisans
The St. Junipero Serra Emerging Fraternity of Secular Franciscans will be holding a Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi service October 3, 2024 as we have in the past. This year the service will be held at St. Ann's Church in Cable. We will begin at 6 pm, and will have a light social afterwards. All are invited to come and participate in this solemn event, and to learn more about St. Francis of Assisi. Contact Louise Heim 715-558-4781 for more info.
Catholic Roots Class! For this class, our goal is to look at Scripture and the Catechism to establish a really strong & systematic foundation for your faith. The classes will have a presentation each week, with question-driven content, so we can go deeper into the unique areas of interest for anyone involved. This class is designed for people who are new to the faith or people who want to have a stronger faith foundation. …. If you're an "expert," this likely isn't the class for you!
This 10 week course starts Sept 16, Mondays from 4:30-6pm. The loose schedule looks like this:
Introductions and Creation, Old Testament, New Testament, Creed, Sacraments, Life in Christ, Prayer and Spirituality, Since those are all pretty big topics, the last three classes are "blank" so that we have wiggle room to spend multiple days on a topic as questions/interest dictates.
If there's interest, we may also consider doing a three-week Advent series or a spring class to follow up and continue to dive deeper. Email [email protected] if you’re interested!
Jeremy came and gave his testimony to us in August-- his story was incredibly inspiring and we are thankful for him to have come to share with us! Jeremy Dunlop – full testimony August 2024 The journey to walking with Christ for many people begins in many ways. What always is a constant though, is that our Father in heaven loves us in a way that we cannot understand or comprehend until we enter Heaven. He is always pursuing us in little ways. It is in our free will that we get to choose to ...........
For the past several weeks, Kevin Sullivan (our Discipleship Director) guided us through our Easter Book: 13 Ways to pray. .... Read on for a compiled summary-- just for you!
Are you back to the Hayward Area for the summer after a warm winter away? Reconnect with old friends, forge new connections, and relish the joy of togetherness at our Hayward Area Catholic Cluster gathering at St. Joseph! Food & Drink provided -- Fun Summer attire requested! Join us: Thursday, May 16 from 5:30p—7:30p at St. Joseph
Friar Otto entered his eternal reward on Easter Sunday morning, March 31. He will be laid to rest on Friday, April 6 in Mount Calvary, WI. Fr. Otto served St. Joseph and St Ann as a temporary pastor in 2007. Click to read the obit and find funeral mass livestream information.
Friar Otto entered his eternal reward on Easter Sunday morning, March 31. He will be laid to rest on Friday, April 6 in Mount Calvary, WI. Fr. Otto served St. Joseph and St Ann as a temporary pastor in 2007. Click to read the obit and find funeral mass livestream information.
Our parishes have the unique opportunity to partner with the Catholic Leadership Institute and offer a survey to assess individual beliefs and practices. Once this data is compiled, Fr. David and his team will be able to plan more effectively given the unique make-up of individuals within our parishes. Click to read more!
Lent is coming soon and we will be sending out a mailer to our active parishioners! If you did not receive our Advent Letter please email [email protected] to let Sarah know you need help-- you can work through it over email, or through a phone call to the cluster office: 715-634-2867
Special Collection for this weekend-- National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Now entering its 50th anniversary year, CSW has traditionally been held the last week in January.
Mass on Friday is Cancelled to honor Father Dean Buttrick. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Noon, Friday, January 19, 2024, in Rice Lake, WI at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Bishop James Powers officiating, with interment in Allouez Catholic Cemetery in Green Bay, WI. Visitation will be held for one hour before the Funeral Service at the Church on Friday. His funeral service will be live-streamed here and you can find his obituary here.
The Knights of Columbus donated $3,373.42 to Ventures raised from their annual tootsie roll drive. This money will be used to replace lockers for individuals with disabilities. From left to right: Robert Sanford, Grand Knight, Ryan Nadelhoffer, Kristin Frane, Ventures CEO, Caleb Franson, Deputy Grand Knight, David Taylor, Paul Ludzack, Gigi McGowan and Anthony Denunzio