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We hope you are excited for our cluster-wide Journey to the Manger that begins at Mass on Sunday Dec. 1! We all can strive to dive deeper into our personal faith as we continue to live our faith in our homes and daily life.
If you are new here, welcome! It you have been around for some time, please prayerfully consider who the Lord may be putting on your mind and heart to invite back to Mass during this Season of Preparation. Pro-tip: a simple invite or encouragement is good. An invite with an offer to sit with your friend or neighbor at Mass and go grab brunch following is better!Please see this link for additional Confession Times this Advent season!
Confession Times Advent 2024Try one of these Resources!
Rooted from Augustine Institute - Beginning Dec. 1, receive a daily email with a 7 minute video reflecting on the genealogy of Jesus.
Best Advent Ever from Dynamic Catholic - Beginning Dec. 1, receive two daily emails from Matthew Kelly. The first will deliver practical tips and challenges to prepare well for Christmas and the second will reflect on the daily Gospel.How am I currently Quick to Pray? St. Paul exhorts us to pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5: 17) but we are unable to pray at all times if we are not praying at specific and set times. We want to strive for 15 minutes a day or more in prayer. If you are not yet there, start with 5 or 10 minutes. Consistency is key; schedule it! If you miss a day or a weekend, begin again as soon as you notice.
Would others be convinced that I am Joyfully Sacramental?
Do I smile during Mass? Am I habitually late for Mass? Is there calm and peace in my household as we prepare to leave for church on Sunday mornings? Do I get irritated if Mass goes a little long? Do I rush out of Church each week (without a good reason) or do I linger and help build up fellowship within the Body of Christ as an active and positive member?
If you think back to your own formation, someone probably was intentional in teaching or passing on the faith to you. How are you being intentional in relationships for the sake of Jesus Christ and His Church? Do your friends and neighbors know of your faith by what you say and how you act?
Do I live in a manner which shows I am committed to growth in my faith? Do I readily admit I can learn more or grow more in my love for God? Or have a "plateaued" at Confirmation and have an immature, 15 year-old education of our great faith? This mark takes great humility and please know that Fr. David, Fr. Karun, and the central office staff only want to help you grow in faith! Matthew Kelly shares about "the gap" between where we are now and how God sees us. What do I need to begin today to grow in that gap and begin to close that distance?
Each week in Advent, your parish will challenge you to live our faith beyond the Mass. Look for prayer cards as you leave Church on Sunday and/or check here (above) for the current "challenge".
At Christmas Mass, your parish has purchased two resources from which you can choose the appropriate one for where you are at in faith.
The Art of the Living - a book by Edward Sri on the Virtues. Anyone, at any stage in faith, can grow through learning about and committing to live the virtues.